Experiencing this movie, in Imax 3-D, was simply the best movie experience I have ever had. It is great that there is a lot to say about movies but this should be the fist and most important thing. What did the experience of watching evoke in you? I start this way because I have been reading very much about this movie and I have heard so many perspectives on it that I almost lost the direct feeling of it. Moreover the fact that It is being spoken about so much is to me another indication that this is an important and intriguing film. Of course attention in itself it not an indication of value, but it becomes apparent soon that the discussion is very widespread and represents many views that already are inherent to our society itself. As soon as this criterium is not met we should be aware what this movie is trying to do with us or with a certain group of people. From my point of view such a discussion is not going on and what is going on is a fair and multiplicative approach to a deeply intriguing and moving cinematic masterpiece (even though the last word of this sentence is a bit more personal).
Having said all that what is left now is for me to present my contribution to the ongoing dialogue. As one might have guessed I am very positive about the movie and not only because it was a great experience in a 3-D movie theater. This movie clearly has a message that our world needs. The consciousness that wants to aggressively dominate and control the world around itself for the purpose of profit regardless of the consequences for the world of nature, life and living beings is being defeated in here. And it is defeated by the conscious choice of beings living by natural law, by other beings abiding the ways of the spirit of the planet and by the very command of this planetary spiritual will itself. As such this storyline is a simplified but direct representation of processes playing out on the face of earth nowadays where the aggressive military-industrial (american) way of control and manipulation is being defeated by conscious processes on various levels of existence.
My wholehearted thank goes to James Cameron and his crew for this fantastic tale of life, love, victory and hope. Thank you for creating this and good luck with all future endeavours (which I am looking forward to).
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